Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter weather without the whine

Hi. Just like you (or many of you anyway) we are digging out from that blizzard. But I am not whining one tiny bit because
  1. We had the most gorgeous fall that lasted forever while many of you were freezing your toesies off by November.
  2. We did not get our first winter storm until December.
  3. We have completely missed out on all the "fun" the East Coast has been getting this year.
  4. I'll take a foot of snow here over an inch of snow in the south. Plows, salt trucks, warm coats, winter boots, and snow shovels do a lot to make the snow manageable. (Please note the "fun" places like Atlanta have had this year.)
  5. Here in Madison we definitely did not get the worst of the blizzard.
  6. Kind neighbors with snow blowers are angels from above.

Okay, now I will begin my post.

When I woke up this morning, I rushed to my bedroom window to see the blizzard's damage. The first thing I noticed was the clear roads. It didn't look so bad out there. Seriously, I thought, my kids are missing school for this?

Then I looked out the front door.

Okay, so maybe I'm glad I don't have to open the door and take my kids to school.

(But I have to say I was very impressed with our city's public works department. Those roads sure fooled me as to whether or not there'd been a blizzard!)

In case you were wondering, this is what the backyard looked like this morning:

For comparison, this is what the backyard looked like for most of January:

Here is another picture of our backyard from January. Notice the snow against the fence.

This next picture is from this morning. Notice the fence.

So, yes, there was some accumulation.

Under those circumstances, there's nothing to do but suit up and head out.

Do you want to know what this is a picture of? (Well, besides Mary working on her snow fort.)

That, my friends, is what the edge of your driveway looks like after a snow blower has cleared it. Did I mention we have an angel who lives up the street?

I'm sure Greg loves it when snow fort construction debris ends up on the driveway. Doesn't everyone love to clear extra snow from their driveway?

Happy girl.

Happy snow.

Okay, okay. I admit, I have to whine, but just the teensy tiniest bit. My kids and I don't like being trapped in our house together all day. (Why can't we be like normal people who love the cozy togetherness and do things like crafts and cookie baking? Instead we watch T.V. or wander around the house aimlessly, our eyes rolling around in our heads from boredom.)

Also, that snow you saw up there in those pictures, it's not going anywhere. It will be with us until April, or whenever spring arrives. To be perfectly honest, I'm terrified of the spring thaw. Perhaps I should start building an ark.