Sunday, February 13, 2011

Night on the town

Yesterday we enjoyed a night on the town.

(I use the term "night" loosely here. With our kids, a "night" on the town starts at 3:30 and had better be wrapping up by seven.)

We had tickets to see The Wonders of Physics on campus, so we slipped into Greg's parking garage just as it was emptying after Badger basketball's exciting win against the Buckeyes. We walked to the physics building amid the jubilation.

Fortunately, the crowds thinned out quickly, and by the end we had the sidewalks practically to ourselves.

Which is a good thing, lest the entire world hear our son whining about the trials and tribulations of walking half a mile. (Yikes! We have raised a total suburbanite who doesn't know what to do when his bum isn't in a booster.)

Mary, on the other hand, was quite chipper. She held onto her daddy's pinkie.

This is what my kids look like in a college lecture hall.

They look smart, don't you think?

David loved the show. He was his natural super-enthusiastic self. Mary didn't make it all the way through. She tried to keep a brave face, but exploding balloons and fire tornadoes were too much for her. After a silly little clip from Young Frakenstein, she completely lost it. So Greg took her to play in the little physics museum while David and I watched the rest of the show.

Hooray for Physics!

As we walked back to the car, we talked about our favorite parts, including the lightening, the guy who danced on water, the giant cloud, the kid whose head was cut off, the rainbow, and the exploding Coke bottle. We laughed and held hands. It was a lovely walk, together as a family. (I will leave out the part about David lying on the sidewalk refusing to walk any farther.)

For dinner we made a wonderful discovery: Pizza Brutta (on Monroe Street across from Trader Joe's). A wonderful discovery.

So, so, so delish! It's probably ridiculous the degree of happiness their food brought to my soul, and Greg's! (And our kids were happy too.)

Best of all, we were home in plenty of time for scriptures, bath, stories, and bed.

A very good night on the town.