Friday, March 8, 2013

Science Fair!

Last night was the science fair at David's school.  Greg and I were the organizers again this year.  It's always more work than I think it's going to be.  But totally worth it!  It's such a great evening.  We will miss this school community so much.

It's a long, busy evening.  And I needed a lot of help from friends this year juggling our three kids' needs during that time.  I am grateful to everyone who helped us!  Things went super smoothly.

One of the best parts of the evening is the judging.  Teachers volunteer to be the judges.  The teachers at this school are amazing!  The kids love and adore them.  The teachers are like the rock stars of the evening.  Everyone is so excited to see them.  They give good oral feedback and then present each young scientist with a certificate and medal.  We are all grateful for these fabulous teachers who go above and beyond.

David did a great job on his project.  Last Saturday was one of those super crazy insanely busy days.  And in the middle of it all we were trying to grow crystals.  We tried and failed three times!  Frustrating!!  Finally, Greg and David switched gears--to periscopes.  It was a great success.  David could explain how it works, and he was genuinely excited to research its different uses.  He also drew a great diagram.  And now we have a cool periscope.

David was judged again by Mrs. Q, his kindergarten teacher.

We love Mrs. Q!  (I love that David will always look back fondly on his kindergarten teacher.  Isn't that sweet?)

 Phew!  The evening was a success, but boy does it feel good to have it over with.