Friday, February 11, 2011

Huh? I didn't procrastinate?

I just sent Mary off to school with a sack of valentines, each one carefully signed "Mary". . . by me. Excepting two, she didn't see or touch any of those valentines until this morning, when she dutifully handed them to her teacher--

--who explained that Mary could pass them out on Monday. Monday! Yes, I know Monday is Valentine's Day, but TODAY is the party. Silly me, I just assumed they would be passing out the valentines at the party. Oh well. No harm done. The teacher will hang on to Mary's valentines for safekeeping until Monday.

I guess I didn't have to force Grouch-of-the-Universe to do her valentines yesterday afternoon after all. We could have spread out the lovely process all weekend long. Perhaps we could have even improved each valentine by putting a bird on it.*

But I think I'll just be proud of myself that I didn't procrastinate....even though I didn't know I wasn't procrastinating. That still counts as not procrastinating, right? And I'll be happy that we're all finished with valentines this year. Well, until December 26 anyway.

*Perhaps chickens are more your kind of bird.