Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yesterday was the 100th day of school!


David's class celebrated by making special crowns, reading books about the number 100, counting objects numbering 100, and even breaking a pinata they made as part of their paper science unit. I wasn't there--I stole this picture from David's class website--but I heard it was a big success!

Last night at bedtime David prayed, "Please bless me to have a good one hundred and one day at school tomorrow."


A few weeks ago, as the 100th day was approaching, David started crying because he didn't want kindergarten to end. He thought he was off to the first grade right after Day 100. His teacher and I set the record straight. He was very relieved. But it got me thinking...he's not going to be a kindergartner forever! !!! What the heck? Why did that never occur to me? I spent five years preparing myself for the Big K. But I guess I forgot about everything else after that. I am definitely NOT prepared. Good thing kindergarten isn't over quite yet.