This time it was wasn't the Badgers. It was even better! We saw the Orange Crush play their final game.
(So much for not telling David about the last game. I felt guilty hiding it from him, and I'm not sure I would have been successful given the fact that just about every kindergartner in his school is playing rec basketball this season. True to form, David was excited and determined to go.)
I took plenty of pictures, hoping for one decent shot. I'm not sure I ever got the decent shot, but when I looked at the lot of pictures, I couldn't help but laugh. Kindergarten basketball is a funny thing. Very funny.
This is David with his hands up to create his special opponent vision spy goggles. He's looking for the kid he's supposed to be guarding. (This kind of reminds me of the time he spent his turn as goalie using his "camera" to look for injured kids.)
It's hard to catch the ball WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED.
He didn't. It bonked him on top of the head. But a member of our team got the rebound off his head! (You have to have a sense of humor if you are watching kindergarten basketball.)
(Sometimes when you wander around the court aimlessly you find yourself wide open under the hoop! Of course, it would be even better if you could CATCH THE BALL. But first things first.)
No, he didn't make it. This is my life, not a Disney movie. But I was BLOWN AWAY with what David had done! He got a rebound! He dribbled the ball! All the way down the court! And didn't let anyone take it away! And he shot! And the ball went in the direction of the basketball hoop! It was awesome.
(In David's defense, I completely understand that it's hard not to close your eyes when a giant orange missile is flying towards your face.)
Look, he's open! And his eyes are open.
The two 8's.
For most of the game, David (#8) was paired up to guard the other #8. It was a perfect match. The other #8 spent a good deal of the game with his shirt pulled up over his head, while our #8 spent a good deal of the game plopping down in the middle of the key. The only problem was that they kept losing each other as they each wandered aimlessly around the court.
David did have his moments when he was focused and serious. Look at that face. He means business.
Hustle, hustle!
Classic pose. From the NBA down to the 5-year-olds.
He's open!!
Finally, the ball gets passed to David. His hands are up and his eyes are open. See the look of amazement on his coach's face, "Wow. That kid might actually catch the ball."
Hey, guys, this kid is WIDE OPEN.
As with soccer, David's favorite parts of the game were when he wasn't playing. This was the position he assumed during his breaks.
Unfortunately, David assumed this position in the middle of the game right underneath the basketball hoop. David doesn't always wait until he's out on break to take a break.
And just when we were ready to pack it in, go home, and call a therapist to piece back together our son's self-esteem, the impossible happened!! David got the rebound, dribbled the ball all the way down the court without losing it, paused to see if any teammates were open (they weren't), and took a shot!
Then it happened again! A teammate passed him the ball--and he caught it! Look, I have proof:
Then he looked around for open teammates, heard his coach shouting, "Shoot it! Shoot it!" and shot it! No, it didn't go in. But it went high and in the direction of the basketball hoop. Another miracle! Way to go, David!
Two minutes later the game was over. It was the perfect ending to a bumpy season. I have to give David a lot of credit for not giving up. He might have only had a few minutes of "success," but he never would have experienced those moments of accomplishment had he quit weeks ago (like I wanted him to). I'm not sure we'll jump to sign him up for basketball again anytime soon. But I have to admit that he did learn more about the game and definitely improved his skills. I'm proud of him for hanging in there.
Hooray for David!
P.S. Did you know the grown-ups all leave the kindergarten basketball games with tear-streaked faces? That's because you either cry or laugh.
P.P.S. Mary would like me to include this picture of her at the game. Mary loves to go watch David play.