Thursday, January 6, 2011

Weird but cute

This morning Mary asked me, "Is there a potty around here I can use?"


"Is there a potty around here I can use?"

A very confused mother responded, "Um, uh, there's one next to your bedroom, right?"

"Straight down the hall?"

"Yes, straight down the hall."

"Thank you, Mommy."

"You're welcome."

And she walked straight down the hall, found the bathroom, did her business, and returned moments later.

That was weird, I thought, but cute.

Like when she asked out of blue on the way home from school yesterday, "Is our house made out of wood?" (She had to ask me about six times before I could understand her. She does not speak with perfect articulation, and I had no context clues to help me.)

Also, the other day she added the useful suffix -bum to every one's name. For an entire day (she is very thorough and consistent), we were Mommy-bum, Daddy-bum, and David-bum. Weird, and perhaps not entirely appropriate, but cute.

Oh, and her haircut helps her run faster. (So, how many of you have already met YOUR New Year's resolution? Hooray for me!.....and the power of really low expectations.)

As Jacqui has pointed out often on her blog lately, it's pretty fun having a three-year-old around.

I have to agree.


[Oops! I just remembered it was the suffix -pooh. Mommy-pooh, Daddy-pooh, and David-pooh. I think you can understand how I could get those confused.]