Monday, January 17, 2011


Yesterday Greg stayed home from church with Mary. She wasn't feeling well. They spent the time napping and watching Busytown Mysteries.

In regards to Busytown Mysteries, Greg pointed out that while Mary had a hard time solving the mysteries on her own, he was able to solve the mystery almost immediately.

"I think it's because of my educational background," he explained. Completely seriously. COMPLETELY SERIOUSLY.*

That, or the fact that you're THIRTY-THREE and not THREE.

Anyway, I'm super proud of my husband. Not only can he solve the Busytown Mysteries, but he ROCKED his first (and tough!!) semester back in a very technical PhD program....after a not-so-technical master's program. (You know you're in a tough spot when you got to think back to what you learned your freshman year of college.) He goes back to class tomorrow. We'll miss having him around extra, but we know he will be rocking it again!

* For the record, Greg says he remembers the conversation very differently. As usual, I'm sure I'm right, though. Right?