Sunday, January 30, 2011

January performances--David

We were lucky this month to attend TWO important performances. The first was Mary's, from which the details are still in the works, and the second was David's.

Each month David's school meets together for a community gathering. This month the kindergartners were the stars of the show.

Here are the cute little kiddos filing in for their big debut....

That's David and his BFF.

The kiddos are in their places and ready to perform. David's teacher is introducing their performance, and that's David right behind her.

Now would be an excellent time to insert adorable videos of the performance. But I just upgraded to Windows 7 (hallelujah)--the transition was seamless, except for the mysteriously missing videos of David's performance. Sigh. (I haven't given up hope yet, otherwise I would be weeping, not sighing.)

After their heartwarming songs about mittens (in English and Spanish), a few big kids joined the bunch to lead the school in a rousing rendition of the school song.

Hooray for [name of David's school]!

Hooray for kindergartners!

After the performance, family members were invited back to the classroom for morning reading time. David showed us his reading box, and, at Mary's request, read to us a story about a mouse who eats in bed.

Then, at David's request, Daddy read to us the story of Mike Mulligan.

We love our kindergartner!