Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thoughts during the blizzard

Thursday we got 20 inches of snow.  These are some of the things on my mind, as I looked out the window and saw this ...

1.  I have wonderful friends.  Tuesday night my friend Shannon gathered together some of my closest friends from our church congregation to celebrate this little girl.  She knew I was not comfortable with a baby shower.  This is my third!  And my second girl!  But I definitely think this girl is worth celebrating--and I love a chance to get together with dear friends.  So Shannon hosted a Favorites Party.  Everyone brought 4 of one of their favorite things--one for me and three to share with three other attendees.  I was spoiled--I got everything!  The others drew names, so each of them went home with three items.  It was so great!  I loved it!  We sat around the fire, sharing our favorite things--from cleaning supplies to lip balm to chocolate to ingenious little trinkets that keep your kids occupied and so on.  So fun!  It was perfect.  It was low-key and warm and comfortable--and I loved being together and having a chance to catch up with dear friends. This is such a busy time of year, so I am especially touched that people would take time to celebrate friendship and a new baby.  Thank you.  (I'm talking to you, Rachael and Ashley and Stephanie and Jen and Judy and Hillary and Hilary and Shawna and Chelsea and Janis.)  (There were also dear friends who were already out of town for the holidays--you were missed!)  I am grateful for the love and support and service of the amazing women in my life.

2.  I think I am a nice mom for not cutting out the Christmas cookie decorating tradition this year.  It does make a good activity for a snow day.

It is hard to make frosting without tasting a little.  Oops.  It is hard to taste just a little frosting.  Oops.  In sum, sorry, Baby.  Hope you enjoyed your sugar rush.

3.  Why is my Christmas tree filled with princesses?

4.  My kids did not have school on Thursday.  That was during the blizzard.  I expected them to have school on Friday.  They did not.  So their winter break began a couple of days early this year.  I sort of wanted one last day of "all my kids are in school" bliss.  Sigh.  Thankfully, Greg was around Friday and willing to help out--so I could escape the house and spend some time with a friend and her new baby.

5.  There is a lot of excitement in our home.  About Christmas and the baby.  I think we are pretty much ready for both!  Which is a good thing because on Thursday, when I hit 37 weeks, I think I hit that end of pregnancy wall.  Where you're like, oh my gosh, get this baby out because my body cannot possibly do this any longer. I am grateful for Christmas--because it keeps me patient with this baby.  I don't want her coming before Christmas.  I am also grateful that I know the end is in two weeks.  Imagine if I waited and let this baby come on her own and she came two weeks late--that would be five weeks from now.  Five weeks!!  I am nervous about the c-section, but I am grateful for that date on my calendar!  (My gut is telling me she might come early.  But doesn't every pregnant woman's gut tell her she will go early, out of wishful thinking?? Sometimes I think it would be sweet if she came on Greg's birthday, the 28th.  My doctor wants me to go into labor on New Year's Eve because she'll be on call--and then the baby might end up being the first one of the New Year.  She's delivered a gazillion babies, but she hasn't yet delivered the first Madison baby of the year.  Will ours be the one?  We'll see ...)

6.  We are going to have a white Christmas.  Yay!