Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Nativity and nutcracker

On Christmas Eve we acted out the Nativity.  David and Mary fought over who got to be the donkey.  Mary won.  That left me to be Mary, which was quite appropriate.  Greg jumped at the chance to be my Joseph.  I held his hand.

So here we are, with Baby's first appearance in a family Nativity:

Joseph, Mary with Child, Donkey, and thanks to David the Innkeeper for playing photographer.

(Please excuse the fact I'm basically not wearing pants...I didn't know Greg would insist on a picture of Baby's first nativity scene.)

Later that evening, David presented me with a nutcracker.  We don't have one, and he was so (SO!!!) excited to get me one for Christmas.  As I've said before, David and Mary love The Nutcracker ballet.  They know the story and all of the songs.  In our house at Christmastime, we don't listen to Christmas carols--we listen to The Nutcracker nearly nonstop.  David was bursting with excitement to finally give me my very own nutcracker.

Mary had helped David pick out the perfect nutcracker for me.  It is covered in gold glitter and sequins.  It is perfect, and I will love it forever.

(Please ignore the fact that I look more than a little disheveled.  I've been battling either the mysterious PUPPS rash or some kind of hives-turned-eczema.  Looking normal hasn't been my top priority.)

It was a special, magical Christmas.  Greg even declared it possibly the very best Christmas ever.  Many, many pictures to come.