Monday, December 17, 2012


Last year my kids were obsessed with The Nutcracker.  So they were devastated last Christmas when we weren't able to get tickets for the local production here in our town.  (Oh, the tears!!)

This year, they are again very into the The Nutcracker, thanks to some wonderful teachers at school.  Greg and I were determined to avoid the I-didn't-get-to-see-the-Nutcracker tears this time around.  

Instead of battling the crowds at our town's production at the high school, we decided it would be more fun to see The Nutcracker in the old Mineral Point opera house.  Mineral Point has made a few appearances here on the blog.  It was settled by Cornish immigrants back in the day, and now it's home to yummy pasties and figgy hobbin at the Red Rooster Cafe, as well as an interesting historical site and charming shops.

The opera house is a small venue, which made it perfect!  It's so much easier for kids--or anyone!--to pay attention when you're close to the action.  Even better, they had popcorn for sale.  The kids were delighted.  

David LOVED Act I.  He was excited about every development, narrating to me the story and explaining how certain illusions were created on stage.  I kept trying to shush him, but he was just too excited.  It was adorable.  I love that kid!

David was a bit bored by Act II.  He is clearly more interested in plot than dancing.  And, as you probably know, there is no plot in Act II.  Just a series of dances.  (Though much of the music is famous and familiar during the second act.)  But he did have this to say about the gingerbread children of Act II:  "They used real children!!"

Mary paid close attention, soaking it all in.  She felt inspired to take ballet again.  (But she also insisted she never wants to be in The Nutcracker--waaaayyy too many people, she thought.  It was indeed a very large cast.  I can't imagine the chaos backstage!)

Greg and I were very pleased with their behavior!  They did so well.

Afterwards we walked across the street for dinner at the Red Rooster Cafe.  The kids enjoyed their fifty-cent ice cream cones.

On the way home we sang Christmas carols and even listened to Garrison Keillor (my parents would be proud).  It was a wonderful family outing!  Perfect for the holidays.