Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two on Tuesday

I have two sweet stories for you, related to me by each of David's and Mary's teachers today.

First, Mary.  Yesterday she chose to practice the pickle cutting lesson.  (Which is very similar to the banana cutting lesson found here.)  Once she's finished, Mary doesn't like to eat the pickle.  But she knows that most of her classmates love pickles.  So yesterday she fluttered around the classroom leaving little slices of pickles at the different work places.  At one point Anna, her teacher, turned around to see little pickles strategically, lovingly placed around the room for Mary's friends to find and enjoy.

Second, David.  Last Thursday, four of the chicks in David's classroom hatched entirely out of their eggs.  At one point, as one of the chicks was trying to emerge, the whole class started chanting, "Go, Chickie!  Go, Chickie!  Go, Chickie!"  When he finally made it out, David spontaneously burst into singing "Happy Birthday!" and all of the children joined in.

I love these little stories. They offer a glimpse of what is so great about each of my children and capture their special personalities.

Love my kids.