Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A birthday deserves a thousand pictures

Sunday was Mary's 3rd birthday. It was hard to believe she was turning three--because it seems as if she has been three already for a long time. Mary has always exuded a certain maturity. She hasn't been my baby for ages. But every so often, she'll let me cuddle her close, as if she were that beautiful doll baby newborn she was three years ago.

We love our Mary, and we were excited to celebrate her birthday. It was a happy little family celebration.

This is Mary emerging from her Sunday afternoon nap to find something special...

And what was putting that smile on her face?

Why this, of course...

A bike! (We hadn't planned to get her a bike. But that girl is a beast on her trike, which she has totally outgrown. Plus, a couple of weeks ago she started talking about her birthday bike, as if it were a fact. We figured she was onto something.)

David immediately jumped in to explain the intricacies of having a two-wheeler with training wheels.

Mary parked her bike, and sat down at the table for the happy business of opening presents.

As usual, David came through for Mary. He is always thoughtful and OPINIONATED about what he wants to give her...and it's usually her favorite gift. The Dora mermaid from her last birthday is still a huge hit at our house--and I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. (I think kids just get kids better than we adults do.) David chose a small Disney princess castle for her. She loved it.

It was fun to open up so many new puzzles from Grandma Evie! (If only she were here to do them with Mary!)

It was not so fun when your brother tried to help open a present. (Sometimes being the Birthday Girl is hard.)

Mary was excited about a special present from Grammy.

What could it be?

A doll!

Love at first sight!

(Since the name "dolly" is already taken, Mary really had to turn on those creative juices. She named the doll Mary.)

Here Mary displays some stickers she received. (Does she have a future on the Price is Right?)

Last, was THE BIG ONE. David got to work helping her.

At last, the contents were revealed. This is how Mary felt...

What was it?

A shopping cart! (Much thanks to David for extracting it.)

And here David lectures Mary on the importance of sharing...

What fun!

And that's only the beginning. More pictures coming....