Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring concert

There may not be a single bud or bloom from here to Duluth, but no amount of chilly weather can stop the ringing of children's voices rising from the school cafeteria. It's spring concert season, and David's was yesterday.

Here is David pointing me out to a classmate whom we shall call The Girl Who Likes Star Wars. (If David decides to invite girls to his birthday party, she's allowed to come.)

The kindergartners performed almost a dozen songs over the course of half an hour. Ms. B, the music teacher, did a fabulous job. Each student in the entire kindergarten had an opportunity to play an instrument or dance at some point during the concert. I thought the concert was wonderful!

David, on the other hand, was a little more ambivalent:

Click on the picture for a better view. The green arrows are David and his BFF, mentioned here. The blue arrows are happy kindergarten faces that I couldn't resist pointing out to you.

It's so adorable when five-year-olds do actions.

Don't you think?

Despite his lack of overwhelming enthusiasm, David was spotted occasionally singing.

Look at the above picture to see where David is. Isn't he sweet? Then, if you choose (i.e. if you're my mom), you can watch a few little clips of the concert.

David has been humming this song for months. It was sweet to see him perform it.

This is such a cute song. (Um, too bad David decided to take a nap half way through.)

Here is a video of David NOT singing. (Something every mother can be proud of.) By the way, I think he lost the right to criticize Mary.

But David did show bursts of super cuteness. He really got into this song.

(I wasn't sure what to record--I just wanted a few clips. According to David I failed miserably because I didn't record "The Bell Song." Oh well. Sorry, David.)

I love to hear my children singing songs under their breath or in their rooms when they think I can't hear. I'm grateful for all of the music they are exposed to both at church and school.

Even if we don't have blooms, at least we have music.