Monday, March 21, 2011

Backyard or bust

With the (possible) advent of spring, today called for a little mandatory backyard time. We didn't spend two million dollars putting that fence in last fall for nothing. David wasn't feeling well and had stayed home from school. But he had perked up by the afternoon, so I sent him and his sister out to enjoy the fresh air. They did not have a choice. Just like old times.

They got right to work in the "garden."

Look! Something green!

Mary cheered hooray for the warm weather.

She also saw no reason why she should have to give up her snow shovel even though the snow is melted.

There were discoveries to be made.

"Wow! Look, Mommy! I found dirt!" Imagine that.

Good old-fashioned tag.

This is my girl.

I love her.

This is my boy.

I love him.

We finished the afternoon with a little game of soccer.

By the way, you live in Wisconsin, you learn to do everything in snow boots, including soccer.

Hope you had a happy Monday.