Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mary's Primary talk

On Sunday, April 21 Mary gave her first Primary talk.  The week before Mary dictated her talk to me--she knew just what to say--and I typed it up.  She shared the story of when Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father appeared to Joseph Smith.  In Primary, she read the talk while I held up a picture.  She did a great job!

Best of all, Mary, of her own accord, invited her two best friends to come hear her talk.  (Mary organized this all on her own.  She has quite the organizational skills.)  The girls stayed for all of Primary and had a great time.  Mary is happy and anxious to talk to her friends about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  What a good example.  She never ceases to amaze me.

Here are the three best friends--Brooke, Mary, and Abby--in the car on the way to church.