Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blogging blitz

I'm obviously on a blogging blitz right now.

I did not think about my blog one bit for two months.  Usually even when I'm not blogging regularly, I'm thinking about my blog occasionally and hoping for a moment or two to write some posts.  But this time it was completely out of my mind.  And I really liked it.

I genuinely enjoy blogging--it's not something I feel obligated to do.  It's never felt like a burden or an item on my to-do list that made me grumble.  Which is why I was surprised by how much I did not miss blogging.  So that--and some other things--have me reevaluating this whole blogging thing and how I might want to approach it differently.

But now I do not have time for deep introspection.  It's just time for a plain old-fashioned blogging blitz of "Let's catch up on the last three months!!"  Which brings me to my point.  This blitz will resume on Friday.  In the meantime I have a house and children and friends that I would like to give some attention to.  And laundry.  When I return I hope to have an official update.  (Will Greg really finish his PhD in less than 3 years? When are we moving? Where are we moving?)  Until then, I leave you with this picture of sweet little Sara, age 5 months.