Sunday, June 23, 2013

Uncle Daniel came to visit

Waaaay back in April, after BYU's final exams, my brother Daniel came to visit.  It was great to see him, and he was wonderful with the kids.  (David and Mary loved playing with him, and he was a doll with Sara.)  I loved talking with Daniel.  Man, I love my baby brother.

We had a great visit.  One day I picked David up early from school so we could take Daniel downtown.  We visited the Veteran's Museum (small, free, and very well-done) and the capitol.  The next day we took Daniel to the National Mustard Museum (Wisconsinites love their brats which means they take their mustard very seriously) and then next door to the yummy Hubbard Avenue Diner.  I am very grateful that he spent his precious few days between winter and spring terms with us.

(You can read/see a little about the visit from Daniel's point of view HERE.  The picture of Daniel and Sara melts my heart.)

P.S.  Daniel, you have now survived both "The Mary and the Flies Incident" of long ago, as well as the more recent "David and the Ticks Incident."  You may never want to get in a car with either of my kids again.  Thank you, as always, for your calm in face of a crisis!