Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day

This year David made a card for Greg that said "Happy 8th Father's Day."  Very thoughtful.  Here is a picture of Greg's "first" Father's Day.  David was ten days old.  He was very small back then.  (I love the expression on his face--newborns are so funny.)

Mary, meanwhile, proudly made her dad a "King for a Day" crown this year.  I think it's funny that, in our house at least, Mom gets to take a break from being a mom on Mother's Day, but on Father's Day Dad gets extra time being a dad. But it seems the perfect way to celebrate each day.  (Best of all, though, no extra church meetings on either day!)

Good thing Greg likes being a dad.  And he's really good at it.  Like, really really good.

Here is a picture of Greg with his first two.

And here are some pictures of Greg with his whole crew.

That dad is a very beloved guy.  By me most of all.