Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Good looking

Nearly all school year David was squinting.  Everyone mentioned it to me:  his dad, his teacher, his grandparents.  Did I take him in for an eye exam?

Of course not.  That's what a responsible parent would do.  Instead, I told everyone it was just a weird habit he'd picked up.  I insisted it was just a weird habit.  I thought maybe he was doing it for attention or something.

(Why was I in denial??!  I absolutely refused to accept the possibility David might possibly need glasses.  Why??  I'll save that psychoanalysis for another day, because I seriously do not know what my problem was.  But I suspect it was simply that I just could not deal with one more ounce of stress these past months.)

Anyway, long story short:  Finally, David's DAD takes David to the eye doctor and whaddaya know the kid needs glasses.  No one was surprised by this news.  (Not even me.)

Isn't he good looking in his new frames?

P.S.  I read this on Deanna's blog the day David went to the eye doctor.  Very timely.  I love Deanna.

P.P.S.  Last summer when the Thompsons were here, Gina mentioned Zenni Optical in case anyone in our family should ever need glasses.  Whaddaya know, that nugget of information became very useful exactly a year later.  They are good quality lenses and frames straight from China--which means they are very very affordable.  For David's first pair, we went ahead and bought them from a brick and mortar store.  We wanted them that very day, and it was good for David to have the whole experience of trying on frames and getting good measurements.  But you pay (A LOT) for that.  So his backup glasses (and soon his backup backup glasses) are in the mail from Zenni Optical.  (Seriously, check out how inexpensive it is!!  And, thank you, Gina, for the tip!)