Monday, July 8, 2013

Pink lemonade

A while ago David and Mary were lamenting that we have to move.  David suggested that we simply stay in Wisconsin and not move.  In response, we gave him the lame story about how it's Daddy's job and he has to make money for our family and blah blah blah.

David brightly suggested that Daddy quit his job and instead sell lemonade to make money for our family.

We explained that he probably wouldn't make enough money for our family by selling lemonade.

"He could sell it for $10 a glass!  Then he would make enough money for our family."

We then explained that people probably wouldn't want to pay $10 for a glass of lemonade.  (Yes, we were like the total bummer parents in this conversation.  Darn the laws of capitalism.)

So Mary chimed in, "He could sell PINK lemonade for $10!  Everybody loves pink lemonade!"

Thus ended the conversation, because, really, who can argue with pink lemonade?

P.S.  There were some other cold hard facts that we left out.  Like the fact that Daddy couldn't quit his job even if he wanted to.  Unless, of course, he has got an enormous load of cold, hard cash to pay the Air Force back for his Master's Degree and his PhD.  That would be a lot of pink lemonade.

P.P.S.  We went to Ohio for the Fourth of July weekend.  I'm so glad we did!  I got to see the house we are buying.  (Have I mentioned we are buying a house we hadn't seen?)  The wonderful owners let us walk through it.  And the neighbors came over to meet us.  Get this:  right next door live an 8-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl!  The best part was time with cousins.  The kids did sparklers and got to see the King's Island fireworks.  Greg took David and Luke up to the Air Force Museum.  The girls all went shopping and out to lunch.  Eliza took Mary under wing again.  (Eliza is Mary's favorite person in the world.)  The boys played Legos and Minecraft and Wii--they all have the same interests.  Evan was a sweetheart to Sara, even giving up his mattress for her.  Uncle Chris and Sara watched the Tour de France while Greg and I went out to dinner (just the two of us!).  Chris and Leslie were also kind enough to have our friends Drew and Michelle over--they used to live here in Madison but moved to Cincinnati a year ago.  Sunday morning we went to church.  David and Mary loved Primary.  When it was time to leave Ohio, the kids didn't want to go.  They are excited to move there now!  Spending the weekend there was just what our family needed.  Having house guests for a RAINY holiday weekend isn't exactly ideal (so much rain!!)--but we're so grateful Chris and Leslie opened their home to us.  It was wonderful to be there.  Maybe we will survive this move after all.