Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ballet class

A few weeks ago it was observation day in Mary's ballet class.  Normally, we can watch through a mirrored window.  But on observation day friends and family are invited into the studio to watch the class.  It's not a performance, just a regular class.  This time our whole family came.  

We all enjoyed seeing what Mary does during a typical class.  Greg was especially impressed.  I realized that I'm the one who always takes Mary to ballet, so he had only a vague idea of what class is like.  He said he liked watching class better than the performance.  I have to agree that there is something special about ballet class.  The children are concentrating and focused but it's also joyful--not a silly, saccharine joy but an inward joy that comes from working hard in a loving environment.  I wish the pictures I took captured that glow of happiness and satisfaction in the students.  (Greg and I left and thought, "David and Mary are each having the same experience!  Karate and ballet are so similar, especially the programs they are in."  We told this to David and Mary, who, of course, were deeply offended that we would dare suggest any similarity between ballet and karate.  Oh well.  Best to keep some observations to yourself as a parent.)

I have some video footage too, just some short little clips.  (And I used a decent camera so this footage isn't terrible, but I now realize I should have put the little clips into one video.  Next time.)

More practice at the barre  (I love to watch them work at the barre.)
Pirouettes  (Little girls doing pirouettes--so sweet!)
Mary's famous ballet leaps (Mary is known for her leaps in this summer's class.)

Mary's teacher, Miss Charmaine, is very sad we're leaving.  She had hoped to be Mary's teacher for years to come. After class on observation day I talked to her for a while.  It was good (and perhaps a little overwhelming) to hear her thoughts about Mary.  We will miss her and the wonderful program she has.