Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Governor Dodge State Park

Greg woke up Sunday and realized he needed to take David camping the very next day.  Greg is (still!) busy with his dissertation.  (He did too well at his defense, darn it.  Apparently, his research is so compelling that his committee was smitten and wants him to broaden its potential application. All I know is I want this thing finished, finished, finished!)  But Greg had promised to take David camping before we moved, and he could read the writing on the wall.  (Literally.  The calendar is on the wall and there would be no other possible opportunities.)

So he worked Monday morning.  Then he loaded up the car and took David and Mary to Governor Dodge State Park.  These are some of the pictures he took.

I drove down and met them at the park entrance early in the evening.  I picked up Mary.  She's not super keen on the camping part of camping.  And David was looking forward to some father-son time.  So David stayed with Greg.  They cooked some brats and s'mores, played catch, and read some Hardy Boys.


Meanwhile, us girls drove down to lovely Mineral Point.  Mary has been begging to go to the Red Rooster Cafe one more time.  So we did.  It was delightful.  I love hanging out with my girls.  They are such a pleasure to be with out and about.  Then we drove home and went to sleep in our comfy beds.

It was the perfect camping trip for the whole family.