Saturday, September 1, 2012

A "summery" of not

Labor Day, the official end of summer, seems the perfect time to look back at the last few months.  A summary of the summer, a "summery," if you will.

The day-to-day of this summer was pretty boring, and not in that idyllic popsicles-in-the-backyard way.  It was more of a "please go downstairs and watch five more hours of TV" way.  But we did drag ourselves to a few activities.  And we were very fortunate to have a few visitors to break up the monotony.  So I certainly can't complain that it was all bad.  (In fact, I'm already feeling a little nostalgic about this summer.  Yikes!  Who feels nostalgic about laying in bed for hours wanting to die knowing your kids are on their 14th episode of Hannah Montana that day?!  Ah, the power of the human mind...or lack thereof.)

In keeping with the general rosiness that is most mommy blogging, this weekend I will be posting a disproportionate amount of fun and happy and cute from the summer.  But, before we get started, to even out the scales just a tad, allow me to offer a list of

Some Things We Gave Up on This Summer Before Summer Even Began

  1. Arts and crafts
  2. Piano
  3. Learning to tie shoes and aprons
  4. The summer reading program at the library (Who doesn't do the summer reading program at the library??!!...Us.)
  5. Any and all projects
  6. Family reunions
  7. Laundry*
  8. Lots of play dates with lots of different friends
  9. Limits on electronics and T.V.
  10. Snacktime
  11. Lunch
  12. A clean kitchen counter
  13. A clean anything
  14. Clothes that cover your kid's rear end
  15. Socializing
  16. Regular outings
  17. Blogging
  18. Fun
*Okay so I didn't completely give up on laundry.  But I did go out at the beginning of the summer and buy everyone lots and lots of extra underwear.  It's AMAZING how long you can manage to go without doing laundry if everyone has five thousand extra pairs of undies.

As you can see, I started out the summer with very low expectations.  And, for the most part, my expectations were met.  But there were a few bright spots, made all the brighter against our dull background.  

Pictures and a few comments of said bright spots coming up in the next few posts.  A summer summary.