- does the dishes everyday
- mows the lawn
- goes home teaching every month
- takes care of throw-up (like Mary's last night)
- backs up my hard drive regularly
- irons his own clothes
- washes the cars regularly
- laughs at our kids with me
- vacuums the downstairs
- shepherds some Boy Scouts
- puts the toys away as needed
- pays the kids their allowance
- reads to us from the Book of Mormon
- packs David's lunch
- feeds the kids their breakfast
- might save you from a nuclear power plant disaster one day
- helps dress the kids on Sunday morning
- mails packages
- takes out the garbage
- changes the vacuum cleaner bag
- coaches David's soccer team
- records our favorite tv shows
- likes to travel
- eats my cooking
- attends parent-teacher conferences
- takes the kids on bike rides
- built a sandbox for Mary
- respects my need to be bossy
I could go on. For a long time. Pretty much forever. But I think you get the point.
He works hard, takes care of us, and serves the Lord.
I am glad I married Greg. It is very nice to be married to him. Those are massive understatements.
I hope that Mary will marry someone like her dad. I hope that David will be like his dad.