Friday, November 25, 2011


What a happy Thanksgiving we enjoyed!

We didn't travel, and we didn't host.  That makes for a very relaxing day.  I am always happy to jump in the car and travel on Thanksgiving weekend.  And we love having visitors, as well as inviting folks over to share a meal.  So I'm on board with the busy-ness of Thanksgiving.

But when Greg realized he had too much schoolwork for us to travel, and when local friends invited us to share Thanksgiving at their house . . .

I breathed a sigh of relief.  Is that okay?  To be thankful for an easy Thanksgiving?  Because it all made for a very nice day.


Greg ran a 10K. We all went to cheer him on. 

It was cold.  So we camped out in a corner of the heated registration tent while we waited for the race to start.

I know my children are several years too old for a stroller.  But, boy, it sure came in handy (as it has for races in times past).

And they're off!

We waited at the finish line.  Fortunately, Greg does his family a favor and runs fast so we don't have to wait too long.

And here's the fabulous picture I took of Greg crossing the finish line . . .

Or not.  I managed to get neither Greg or his time in the picture.  But he really is there.  (The clock with 28:00 is for the 5K runners.  Greg ran fast, but not 28 minutes fast!)

Here he is, just after finishing. 

Hooray for Daddy!  (And thank you for your 6:59 mile pace.  We may not have survived much longer.)  We love you!


After the race, with little to do (what a good feeling), we decided to go ahead and set up the Christmas tree.  I am a firm believer in waiting until the day after Thanksgiving to pull out the Christmas decorations and turn on the Christmas music.  But we decided to make an exception this year.  So we got to work.

And while most people would indeed listen to Christmas music while setting up the tree, we live in Wisconsin now.  So we listened to the Packers game.  (Notice it on the computer.)

Then we trimmed the tree.

With Lego Star Wars guys, of course.

The kids loved hanging the ornaments.  Each one was a treasure.  (And I really let them decorate the tree, while I sat on the sofa.  Breathing deeply.  I'm allowed to make adjustments when they're asleep, right?)

Love these kids!


Later that afternoon we pulled Greg's potato casserole from the oven and headed over to our friends' home for a delicious meal, a lovely atmosphere, and good company.  (Seriously, it was so yummy!!  These people can cook!  And the table was beautiful!  And it was so fun to be there!  And our other friends who have twin baby boys were there too, so there were plenty of adorable little babies to pass around.  What a perfect Thanksgiving!  Thank you, Rachel D. and family.)


Then we came home and watched Elf until our drooping eyelids were just too heavy.


This year I am thankful for Thanksgiving!