Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Speaking of the technologically challenged...

I love Chrome.  I have been using it since the day it first became available.  All other browsers make me itch.

But Chrome has not been working on my computer lately.  (Why?!!  Chrome is like the love of my life.  I feel betrayed.)  So I have been forced to use Explorer.  I may need a cortisone shot to stop the itching.

When I post using Explorer, I post as "Greg."  This is a complete mystery and shock to me.  I have no idea why Greg's name is connected to my blog at all.  I thought I was the only person who could post on my blog.  And I have no idea what Explorer has to do with any of this.  I am sure there is a simple, easily-corrected explanation for all of this.  And I will get to it, eventually.  It's about 179th on my to-do list.

In the meantime, know that it's always me, Alisa, here.  Ignore Greg.  He's not here.  Greg doesn't touch my blog.  (He did once, and it caused a bigger blow-up than the Great Excel Address Book Debacle of 2002-2009.  Trust me, he doesn't touch my blog.  But he loves me!!)

Thanks for your patience, and have a good day.

Posted by ALISA.