Monday, August 8, 2011

Detour with cousins

Thursday evening my brother Andy showed up with his adorable kiddos, Caleb (age 4) and Annika (age 2).  The arrival of cousins and another fun uncle is definitely cause for celebration.  The celebrating can take the form of pillow fights and/or jumping around on the couch.

(By the way, my mom is in the background of every one of those pictures, faithfully picking up the toys.  Can you spot Grandma Evie?)

Now that we have cousins here, the fun can really begin, right?

You'll have to excuse the four million pictures, but I don't get to see these two little sweetums (my niece and nephew) very often.

One morning we (we being me, David, Mary, Tio, Tia, Andy, Caleb and Annika) ventured to the community pool, where, thankfully, the water is refrigerated, so it wasn't quite like taking a hot bath.  We had a great time, especially David, who was a pro with his Level 3 swimming skills.  (Hallelujah for kids who can swim!)

All of the pictures from the community pool were taken by Dave or Ale, who bravely brought their camera.  (Thank you!)

I had to include the one picture of Mary, so we can all remember what a g-r-o-u-c-h she was.  (We can't all be sweet and charming all of time.)

That afternoon we prepared for Greg's arrival (hooray!) by drawing pictures for him.

After Greg's flight got in, we went back to our old haunting ground (seen here and here) for open gym.  The kids had a blast!

David and Mary had a great time practicing the skills they learned in gymnastics this summer.

(All four cousins are in the above picture.)

Go, David!

(That's Caleb waiting his turn behind David.)

Sometimes it's hard to share with your cousin.

Especially if you are Mary.

Everybody loves the foam pit.

These are the girls, waiting for Uncle Andy to toss them in.

Love this little sweet pea.

So we braved the heat a few times for outings, but, as I mentioned before, August in Texas is eerily like January in Wisconsin: You thank the Lord you have shelter over your head and you beg Him to not let your car break down when you go out lest you die in seven minutes flat from exposure.  But, really, you don't go out much.  So here in August, you do what any semi-sane Wisconsinite family does in January:

Play Wii.

One last tidbit before I press the publish button.

Aunt Charity made Mary and Annika matching tutus.  So cute!

Except when I tried to take Annika's picture, she did this:

And when I tried to take Mary's picture, she did this:

"No looking allowed!" the girls decreed.  And certainly no picture-taking.  So I did what any mom/aunt would do--and took the pictures from behind.

Thank you, Aunt Charity!

So I'm posting these pictures for now...but, of course, I have loads more to come.  :)