Tuesday, May 31, 2011

If I didn't blog it...

did it really happen?

Here are some things that possibly didn't happen since I didn't blog about them.  Though, now that I finally am blogging about them, their existence is no longer questionable.  (Hmmm.  So if I blog about how I ran the Madison Marathon barefoot on Sunday, does that mean I really did?  Even if I didn't?  Oh!  And if I never, ever blog about yelling at my kids or feeding them marshmallows for lunch--wow, what a wonderful mother that would make me.)

Anyway, here are a few happenings (really real ones) from the last few weeks.


Finally, finally, finally, after an agonizingly long wait, we got blooms in our yard. 

This is our first spring in this house, so it was a surprise to see what would appear.  Each day after school we would climb out of the car, inspect the tight tulip buds, and speculate on their color.

This is what appeared one day.  We shouted for joy!  It was a long winter.

Mary took the above picture for me.

Then, she was so excited about the flowers (weren't we all?), that she wanted to pose with them.

Oh, how the tulips brightened our hearts!  We thought we might actually see spring after all.

Speaking of bright hearts, this little girl is my sunshine.


Greg took David on a camp out with our church.  Even though it was called a "father-sons" camp out, Greg and I both thought Mary should get to go too.  Except that would have required upgrading from our small 2-person backpacking tent.  And I was feeling cheap.  And I was not looking forward to driving the two and half hours to the campsite at 11 pm to pick up Mary should she change her mind about the whole camping thing.  And it was raining.  (Mary is not a fan of uncomfortable weather.)  So Greg and David went camping.  There is not much to tell.  They slept, it rained, they came home.  Mary and I stayed home and painted our toenails.


We got to visit Mary's school again one evening.  She showed us a few of her favorite lessons.

Her absolute fave these days is carrot cutting.  Look at her go!





Then everything is put back in its place.

Among other lessons, she also demonstrated paper punching.  Here she works on South America by first tracing it and then punching tiny holes along the outline. Finally--not pictured--she gently tears out the continent and glues it on another paper.  Great fine motor skill practice!

Mary loves to count, and here she works with the number rods.  This is a good old Montessori original.  The idea is that children learn numbers have different sizes.  (Nowadays in edu-speak I think this is called "number sense.")  The rod with ten sections in a whole lot bigger than the rod with one section.

Mary planned for days which lessons she would show us.  She beams with pride in her classroom.  We loved sharing a special night in her classroom.  We are so proud of Mary!  (David was a good sport about playing in the other room so we could focus on Mary--we're proud of David too.)

So.  Flower, camping, and cutting carrots.  I blogged it; therefore, it happened.

I have a few more May happenings to share yet.  Let the blogging continue...