Monday, November 22, 2010

Our turkey will be yummier than your turkey

David's class put together a Thanksgiving recipe book.

This is David's recipe for cooking a turkey, as dictated to his teacher.

Dad and Grandpa's Turkey
By David H.

Dad is a turkey hunter.  He has a big gun.  He shoots the turkey.  Then he takes off the feathers and makes a little hole to get out all the blood.  Then he brings it to our house for grandpa to grill.  It's a little big, so grandpa cuts the sides off.

To grill the turkey:
Put 40 sprinkles of cinnamon on the turkey; that's the special ingredient.  Cook it on the grill for 60 minutes.  The grill is 11 degrees hot so the turkey doesn't catch on fire.  It's done when it has a lot of black lines on it.  Use a special glove to take it off the grill.  Cut it with a big fork.  It's very yummy!

(All of the children's recipes were funny/sweet/cute.  But David was the only one who managed to include guns and blood in his.)