Sunday, November 14, 2010

Free at last

Ever since I embarked on my adult life, way (way) back in the day, at good old Carroll Hall, I have been gripped by a fear that has haunted my nights and whose tight, cold tentacles have paralyzed my days.

What fear is this, as irrational as it may be? I believe the technical term is something like


Which means, depending on which online Latin translator you use, "fear of to be the bear in charge of the fun banquet." Or, in other words, fear of being

the activities committee chairperson.

Thanks to this, I no longer have to worry about being asked to fill the position of activities committee chairperson because the position no longer exists. Phew! I am freed from that fear! Now, if only I could overcome my fears of the number 6, dog hair, and toddlers who don't nap...

(By the way, I also wish to express my gratitude to all the volunteers I know who plan really big really fun events--be it for church, community, school, neighborhood, etc. I am amazed that you do what you do without having a heart attack and/or nervous breakdown. And I am grateful to enjoy to the fruits of your efforts. Thank you.)