Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Artist in residence

On Friday I put Mary down for a nap.

Ten minutes later she was doing this:

Why do my children not understand that nap means SLEEP? Or least STAY IN YOUR ROOM AND LEAVE YOUR MOM ALONE? Since when does nap mean PAINT?

As you can see, she was very happy.

Yes, Mary has a new found love.

She also has quite the attitude to go along with it. Mary informed us that while she is painting we
  1. May not talk because she is concentrating.
  2. Must keep both of our hands behind our backs at all times.
She's a real tyrant, that one.

But she was a blissful tyrant all weekend, as long as a paint brush was in her hand.

Our house has been flooded with works of art.

Including art on the carpet and art on the walls.

Guess who's the tyrant now.