Friday, February 1, 2013


First Name:  Sara

Middle Name:  Harper

Due Date:  January 10

Birth Date:  January 4, 2013  (According to schedule.)

Born at:  St. Mary's Hospital

Delivered by:  Dr. Bathke

Greg's Birth Weight Guess:  9 lbs 2 oz

Doctor's Birth Weight Guess:  9 lbs 4 oz

Alisa's Birth Weight Guess:  9 lbs 10 oz

Actual Birth Weight:  8 lbs 10 oz  (A lightweight!!)

Birth Length:  20 inches (A shrimp!  In this family, anyway.)

Glucose Levels:  Perfect!

Feet:  "Her feet are huge!"  (Official quote from, well, practically everyone.)

Fingers:  Long, tapered, and elegant  (Piano player?)

Birth Weight at 2 Week Check:  8 lbs 10 oz  (See Actual Birth Weight and cheer!)

Looks Like:  Herself  (And Mary.)  (And David.)

First Smile:  Early!  (We were pretty sure she was really smiling as early as the hospital ... but that can't be possible, right?  But you just know, you know ... and we knew.  Right? Then she surprised the doctor with a smile at her 2 week check!  The doctor confirmed that was a real smile--the doc was pretty excited about it.  And of course it melted her heart.  Sara is already quite the charmer.)

First Laugh:  Yesterday!

Hours Spent Naked Under the Lights in the Hospital (Better Termed:  Hours NOT Being Held and Cuddled and Kissed by Alisa or Greg):  92

Time Spent Fussing or Crying Under the Lights:  None.  (A miracle.  Seriously.)

Hours Spent Under the Lights at Home:  0  (Hooray!!)

Diapers Changed by Alisa During Week One:  0  (Thank you to the nurses, my mom, Shawna, and Greg.  Mostly Greg.  Did I marry a good man, or what?)

Number of Days She Held onto Her Umbilical Cord:  24!  (Thus breaking David and Mary's previous records of 3 weeks.  We're just relieved it fell off before her college graduation.)

Nursing Skills:  Needs Some Improvement

Sleeping Skills:  Excellent (Cue "Hallelujah!" chorus.)

Cuteness Skills:  Through the Roof!

Adored by:  Everybody