Friday, January 11, 2013

Sweet little visitors

David and Mary came to visit Sara and me in the hospital every day.  They were exuberant, and their visits were joyful.  They genuinely enjoyed being there, chatting with me about their day, charming the nurses, and getting drinks from the ice and juice machines.  But, of course, Sara was the star of the show.

This little girl cannot get enough of her baby sister.  At school on Monday Mary and her friends made cards for the new baby, in which they all declare their love for Sara.  (I believe there is nothing sweeter than a card made by a five-year-old girl.)

 David was at school on Friday morning, so Greg called David's school with a message that his sister had been born.  When his teacher relayed the message to him, David jumped up and cheered for joy!  At school on Monday, during free time, David, of his own accord, made a little "Congratulations!" banner and had all the kids in his class sign it.  (David had the kids in his class just as excited about Sara as he was.  That's the kind of personality he has.)

I have such sweet kids.  And now there are three!