Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mary's birthday bash

Mary had been looking forward to her 5th birthday party for approximately 364 days.  I had been hoping for a nice, family outing instead.  But my kids love their friends.  And insist on celebrating with them!  (I think if we made them choose between a bash with friends and any presents, they would choose the party.)  So a party Mary would have!

Back in September, when I was feeling fine (memories ...), I started planning a party we could have here at our house, like last year.  But something deep inside told me "Bad idea! Bad idea!"  Soon thereafter I discovered we could have Mary's party at the gym where she took gymnastics--super easy, super fun, and very reasonably priced.  Woo hoo!  And very lucky--by the time Mary's birthday rolled around, there's no way I could have hosted anything at our house.

Mary was an awesome helper in getting ready.  She helped write out names on the invitations.  (A side note: Mary insisted on inviting just a small handful of friends.  I encouraged her to invite a few others, girls I know she enjoys.  But she was adamant about keeping the party small because she didn't want it to get "too big and crazy."  I have to appreciate her ability to understand herself--she knew she would be uncomfortable in a boisterous, chaotic, gaggle of girls.  But she did allow David to invite a friend.)  She assembled the gift bags (which had an Olympics theme) and decorated the cupcakes.  Mary is a wonderful helper!

The party was awesome!  The staff did a fabulous job with lots of super fun, structured activities.  And then there was time for free play, which was a blast, too, of course.  The kids seriously had huge smiles stretched across their faces the whole time.


Mary the Egg gets cracked.

Brooke bounces high!

Abby and Mary race down the air track.

After the hour in the gym, we headed upstairs for cupcakes and gifts.  Mary has such sweet, thoughtful friends.

We're so happy they were able to come celebrate with Mary!

Sariah, Abby, Mary, Lea, Brooke, Iris