Monday, December 5, 2011

Yes, already

Last time we went to Chicago, Mary and I took a stroll through the American Girl store.  She thought it was lovely, but I believe she assumed it was a museum.  Little did she know.  Thank goodness.  I remember thinking to myself how relieved I was that we wouldn't be going down that road for a few more years. 

Why don't I learn to never say never?

This showed up on our front porch the other day.

Mary will believe it came from the North Pole.  But it came from just up the road.  That's my excuse.  We're only trying to support local businesses, right?

Speaking of the North Pole, this here Santa's Elf is finished with half of our Christmas preparations.  Hooray!  Unfortunately, I may never make it to the second half.  I've gotta to take a break (if only it were a break) to focus on our church's Christmas celebration (cake compared to the Fall Festival, thank goodness) and get a handle on a blood drive we're doing in January.  (Never schedule something just two weeks after the holidays!!)  And, hopefully, just in the nick of time we'll be all set for another lovely Wisconsin Christmas.

You might not hear from me for a little while.  In the meantime, here are some pictures that Mary's teacher emailed me.  Mary is in every one of these pictures--but you might have to search for her.(Apologies for the variable quality.  But I still love them!)