Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gingerbread house

David and Mary were begging to make a real gingerbread house this year.  (No cheating with graham crackers, they insisted.)  As a compromise, I was going to buy one of those lame kits.  But then BFF Bailey came to the rescue!

His family invited us to participate in their church's super awesome gingerbread house event.  They have a professional chef come in with homemade gingerbread pieces, perfect icing, a million kinds of candy, and all the other materials you need.  Best of all, he walks you through the construction of the house step by step.  Then you get to go to town plastering it with candy (while gorging on the candy yourself, of course).  It was so well-organized and so much fun.

Mmmm.  The sugar . . .

The architects/designers . . .

The BFF . . .

The engineer . . .

(Both Greg and Bailey's dad, who is also a civil engineer, were immediately tasked with the actual construction of the houses.  We wives handed that off to our engineer husbands real quick.  No pressure, or anything. Only their self-respect and Professional Engineer credentials were on the line.  I mean, if you can't build a gingerbread house for your kids, should you really be building bridges for the public at large?)

The decorating . . .

The finished product . . .

You can see my favorite part--three little bears on the deck out back.

Of course, being a productive and thrifty Mormon (okay, so maybe I'm not productive or thrifty but lots of Mormons are), I spent most of the time trying to figure out how you could pull off a similarly well-executed gingerbread house event on a much larger scale and without bringing in a pro.  (We Mormons are pretty much the ultimate DIYers, having no paid clergy.  There's also that whole productive and thrifty thing.)  Anyway, somebody give me a good kick in the head before I start thinking that doing this on a grand scale without professional support is a good idea.  In the meantime, we love Bailey's church for doing this, and we'll be back next year!

That evening we had a big debate about whether the gingerbread house was for decoration or for eating.  It sat on the counter, being a decoration, for a few days until we decided that it was for eating since it had so many yummy gummies.  Before we started eating it, I took some pictures of David and Mary proudly posing with their creation.

Ah, yes.  Don't those pictures make my blog look a little more Christmas-y and cheery?  (By the way, yes, there is a pink feather boa on my Christmas tree.  Also, notice Bucky Badger.  Just so you know, Bucky is a GIRL--according to Mary--and Bucky is GOING TO THE ROSE BOWL AGAIN!!  Woo hoo!!)

And this concludes another Christmas post.