Yesterday was the Children's Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation during at church. (Best Sunday of the year!) This year the theme was about reading the scriptures.
David knew the words to the songs this year. He's been singing them under his breath at home and asking to sing them during Family Home Evening. Of course, during the program, he didn't sing once. He just stood there blankly as his friends belted it out. Oh well. At least I know in my heart that he knew (and liked) all the songs.
David did a superb job reading his part. Of course, now that he can read, he'll never memorize anything else again in his life. ("Mom, I don't need to memorize my lines--I can just READ them, duh.") But many people commented to me on how impressed they were with his reading skills. Yay!
Mary was very excited to participate. As a Sunbeam, this was her first time. She knew her lines and did a fine job. Mary, too, knew the songs. She was thrilled to have a chance to sing in front of so many people. But then sleepiness overtook her. She didn't actually fall asleep. But her eyelids were drooping, and she was doing the tell-tale sway. Too bad. I believe Mary managed to sing no more than two or three words total. Oh, but her tired little face was angelic and adorable. Fortunately, she was as proud as could be afterwards.
(The best part was that Mary had a big goopy stain on the front of her dress, and she was wearing pink pointelle tights with her red taffeta dress. But I guess you get what you get when Mom has a meeting before church so Dad has to bring the kids.)
Overall, it was delightful, wonderful, inspiring! Best Sunday of the year, I tell ya!
P.S. Last Monday we invited a few families over to share a special Family Home Evening. We all sang this year's songs for the program, and all of the children got to practice their parts twice in front of a small audience. Then we had yummy treats. It was a nice idea. I think we'll do it again next year.