I am not by nature a party person.
This Friday (tomorrow) is Mary's birthday party. Next Friday is David's Harvest class party. (Yes, I volunteered to be room mom.) And the following Friday is our church congregation's Fall Festival. (Which my friend Julie and I are in charge of.)
I went to the dollar store the other day, and I couldn't remember for which party I was there. I am a totally disorganized person. I may not seem like it, but my mother and my husband can attest to this fact. But I am responsible--so I can usually with brute force push myself through my disorganization and rise to the occasion. I'm not sure if I have enough brute force this time. So Mary might have ham and funeral potatoes at her birthday party, and the church gym might be decorated with purple balloons.
I used to like Fridays.
Now I just want this month over with.