Saturday, October 1, 2011

Grandma Evie was here

My mom was here this week.  It was a good week to have a mom around.

She entertained my kids while I hid in my bedroom hiding from myself.  Then she was patient while I weakly tried to catch up on my laundry.  Then she entertained my kids while I lay in bed with a stomach bug.  Her being here gave me reasons to get out and see this beautiful fall weather.  And excuses to stay in and avoid fully engaging with life out there.  (Sometimes life is too much, and you just want your mom, you know.)  It was a good week.

As you can see, we made it to Little Norway and to Cornish Mineral Point.  (You don't have to cross the Atlantic to get a little bitty taste of the European.  Come visit us!!)  We also went to House on the Rock, which is sad and ironic and hilarious and also okay because my mom and I both dislike the House on the Rock but it's in a lovely location.

P.S.  I just think everyone should know that I am sitting here watching the Wisconsin-Nebraska game.  ALL BY MYSELF.  (What is this state doing to me?!  I could be watching old TLC shows on Netlflix instead.  I am ALL BY MYSELF.)  The kids did demand that I stay up and watch to the bitter end so that I can tell them in the morning if Bucky Badger won.  (At this point, it's looking good for Bucky.)