Thursday, January 26, 2012

A baby birthday

My kids are big fans of babies.  Yesterday one of their very favorite babies turned the big 0-1.  David was too sick to go to the party.  He cried three separate times about it.  I think the only thing David loves more than a cute baby is a fun party.  Poor kid.  No wonder he shed so many tears.  As a therapeutic outlet, he sketched out a picture of he and Baby Eleanor.  That seemed to help.  Also, I told him I'd buy him an icee.

Greg took Mary to the celebration.  She relished in her role as the big kid.  She insisted that we buy Eleanor pajamas for her birthday.  (Both kids were adamant: Why buy a toy when little pajamas are sooooo cute?!!)  Greg reported that Mary helpfully informed Eleanor that Hello Kitty pajamas are really comfortable.  And Mary reported that Eleanor looooooooves her new "be-jamas."  Mary had a great time.

I shamelessly stole this picture from Eleanor's mom (also known as Katie).

Katie will post pictures soon on her blog.  I suggest you check them out.  It was a lovely party--pink and yellow, fresh cut flowers, and divinely rich homemade cheesecake (Greg brought me a piece).  The best part of the pictures, though, is Eleanor!  Greg and I love that baby because she reminds us so much of Baby David.  Eleanor is a busy go-get-em-up-and-at-em-I-did-not-come-to-earth-to-sit-around-doin-nothin kind of gal.  Love it.  (Well, not so much when they're newborns--life's too frustrating.  But later on it is so much fun.  And always exhilarating/exhausting.  I think you can't quite understand what it's like unless you've experienced a child like that for yourself.)  Fun, fun.  Wish I could have been at the party.

Instead, I took a sad, sick little boy to Kwik Trip for icees.  Because a lemon icee always makes you feel better, even in the dead of winter.  Then we came home, cuddled on the couch, sipped our beverages, and watched The Empire Strikes Back.  I love that kid.  I liked cuddling with him so much yesterday that I didn't want to send him back to school today.  So I didn't.  (It also helped that he still had a fever.)

Oh, my sweet, sweet, beautiful boy.  We lounged in bed this afternoon.  I read to him and stroked his hair until he fell asleep.  Then I watched his sleeping face and listening to his sleeping breath.  Just like when he was a baby.

Except he's not a baby.  And I'm okay with that.  Because you can't sip icees and discuss at length Yoda's training methods with a baby.

Oh, Eleanor.  Life gets better and better. And you know it, don't you.