Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fairy week

Where was I last week?  Waiting for the appearance of some fairy godmothers.  Some appeared; some did not.

The Laundry Fairy

I was really hoping the laundry fairy would show up last week.  I waited and waited.  But, finally--after David started crying because the laundry was piled six feet high on the sofa so he had no place to sit and read his dinosaur book and after I was forced to wear worn yoga pants and an old T-shirt of Greg's to a lovely Thai lunch with Katie (who always looks hot) because nothing else was remotely clean--I got to work on the laundry myself. And then I did it again.  And again.  And again.  Has anyone else noticed that laundry never ends?  Stupid Laundry Fairy: even if you bothered to show up once, it wouldn't do me much good.

The Deep Cleaning Fairy

I'm still waiting for her.  It's amazing (disgusting) what happens to your house when it's been pretty much neglected for months.  And months.  And months.

If you come over, don't look in the corners.  Like I said, I'm still waiting.

The Paint Fairy

This fairy has been hard at work!  The Paint Fairy's real name is Greg.

I woke up one day and decided we needed to paint Mary's pink room . . . pink.  When we moved in, it was a frightening bubble gum pink that all little girls adore.  And now it is a perfectly pretty pink that even I can like.  (It's Benjamin Moore Powder Blush. It's beautiful, and stays safely away from all that usually goes wrong with pinks. I confidently recommend it--and this is coming from someone who is generally not a fan of pink.  Credit goes to this blogger for pointing me in the right direction.)

Then I woke up and decided David's room needed to be painted as well.  It was a perfectly fine greenish taupe.  But a little too serious for such a fun boy.  I wanted four bright white walls.  David wanted black.  The Paint Fairy found a compromise.  Three white walls and one dark gray.  It looks good.

Then I woke up and decided it would be awesome if the grungy white walls in our house could be painted before Greg's big promotion party in February.  The Paint Fairy and I agreed that this particular project, with its vaulted ceilings and deep gouges, might require some stronger magic--especially since the Paint Fairy is back in class again.  Hooray for professionals. It's not done yet--but the color is picked (fingers crossed it looks good) and the work is scheduled.  (Also, hooray for professionals who can magically make the hole your husband had to cut into the ceiling to reach a water leak disappear.  Sheetrock and tape and mud and texture and paint and a few nifty machines in the hands of a pro is a miraculous thing!)

While the Paint Fairy does his magic, I have been occupied with rearranging furniture and wall decorations.  (I even attempted a craft project for the kids' rooms and did NOT staple cork board to my kitchen table this this time!)

The Winter Fairy

A couple of weeks ago when I picked up Mary at school, she and her friends were running around the playground coatless throwing imaginary snowballs and building imaginary snowmen.  What the heck?  Is this Florida?!!  I live in Wisconsin, yet my children are forced to play with invisible, imaginary snow in January?!

I know some people were liking the mild weather, but it was FREAKING ME OUT.  If it's going to be winter, I want it to be winter!  If I'm going to wear a coat, I want to need to wear the coat, you know.  Also, I was all ready to send my kids to ice-fishing camp, but the lake wasn't frozen. Bummer.  (Yes, my obsession with ice-fishing continues. Not like I've ever been.  Or ever will.  But I almost dragged Greg to a musical about ice-fishing.  Lucky for him, it was in town during finals week, so I couldn't in good conscience force him to take me.)

Well, the Winter Fairy finally did make her appearance.  And this year I was prepared.  Oh yeah.  Bring it on, Winter Fairy.  (But not too much.  So, once it finally snowed and the kids looked outside with glee, the temperature dropped to 3 degrees.  Too cold for recess, sledding, and snowman building.  Bummer.)

The Put-My-Life-Back-Together Fairy

Still waiting.

The Blogging Fairy

Actually, this I prefer to do myself.  No fairy necessary.  I'm back!