Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day to me

It's my birthday!  This year it falls on Labor Day.  Which makes it extra special, since I was born on Labor Day.  (It was fitting.  My mom had an unfun, to put it mildly, labor experience...and birth experience...and recovery experience.  But, deciding to go breech and all, it was my fault.  Sorry, Mom.)

Here are some pictures from my birthday.

It was a lovely birthday.  Can you tell?

Here is how it all went down.

 I slept in.  Some.  Right when I was in the glorious depths of sleeping-in sleep, Mary came into my room ringing a cow bell and yelling, "Bacon and eggs!  Bacon and eggs!"  She was so excited it was my birthday!  So excited, in fact, that she thoughtfully informed me that I would want to get up and make bacon and eggs for myself and everyone else on my birthday.  (Which is why the house did not smell like bacon and eggs.)  I ate a bowl of cereal.

And I also realized, as my kids pranced around the house shouting "Happy Birthday!" that my day was not going to be my own.  My dream dream was to have the whole day all to myself.  But it was obvious that would break my children's hearts.  The clock is ticking--it won't be too long until that they want little to do with their dorky, embarrassing old mom.  So I figured I should enjoy their enthusiasm while it lasts.

Greg took them to Target, while I fruitlessly searched the city for an open nail salon.  Apparently, a pedicure on Labor Day is too much to ask...So I came home and took a nap.  A wonderful, desperately needed nap.  And no one woke me up with a cow bell.  I was finally ready to face my day, calloused feet and all.

Greg and the kids were rushing around baking my cake and wrapping my presents.  David and Mary's excitement melted my heart.  David had flowers for me.  Mary showed me the sparkly nail polish she had picked out--before she wrapped it.  David also gave me for my birthday a book he had recently finished reading, his science fair project, and a hug.  Mary upped his hug with a hug and a kiss.  Actually, it's been a hug-fest all day. I love it!

In the afternoon we dragged the kids out for a walk through the prairies at the arboretum.  I was blessed with gorgeous weather today.  GORGEOUS!  The whining was less than average.  And the prairies beautiful.

Afterwards, we headed to the yummiest pizza place in town, Pizza Brutta.  Mmmm.

At home a party was waiting for me, complete with Hello Kitty plates and a pinata. The pinata nearly gave me a heart attack--I was sure we'd end up with a hole in our wall--or Greg's new nose busted!  But I survived...and the kids loved it.  Their enthusiasm was the inspiring!  They acted like my birthday was the best day ever!  The most important day of the year!  Geez, I have great kids.

Now I'm taking a few minutes to post this--while GREG puts the kids to bed (best birthday present yet).

And I might even think about how I am 34 now.  To some of you that seems ancient.  To some of you that seems young.  And some of you are right here along with me.  During my 20's I would reflect on every year that went by, the meaning of those passing years, and what it meant to grow old.  Every year my anxiety and panic would rise.  (Because, of course, nearing 30 was "growing old.")  Since I turned 30, I've never stopped to think much about my age.  Life's been too...busy, too full with the good and bad and even mundane.  Too rich with experience.

So today part of me feels young.  And part of me feels old.

To be perfectly honest, I think I like the part of me that feels old better.  I've been tutored in the value of wisdom.  Life brings experience, and experience brings wisdom.  And I've just begun.