Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our family miracle

It was a miracle!

We went on a nature walk!

And no one cried!

And it was more than two (yes, TWO) miles long!

And no one cried!

And Mom did not complain about the humidity because it was a crisp fall day! And David only asked how-much-farther a hundred times, which is much better than asking a thousand times! And Mary didn't have to go potty in the middle of it! And Greg could feel like he didn't come home from Honduras to a bunch of whining losers!

And no one got eaten by a bear!

A miracle!!

Greg had earlier in the week discovered that the beautiful Ice Age National Scenic Trail runs behind our neighborhood, and he decided that after swimming lessons on Saturday, we all should take a walk along it. I think he was shocked when I agreed. (I'm sure Greg expected that I would veto such an idea because I HATE the mosquitoes, I HATE bug spray, and I HATE listening to our high-maintenance kids whine. But the mosquitoes are dying, and my children are quickly turning into humongous wimps so some serious intervention is in order.) Greg got the Mom on board.

Then Fortune smiled upon us in the form of a kindergarten homework assignment: "Go on a nature walk and collect 6-8 interesting leaves that you can share with the class." Perfect! David was on board.

And Mary likes whatever David likes. (David gave her strict instructions that she could absolutely positively NOT collect any leaves--she could only collect flowers. Geez, he's so bossy! I wonder where he gets that from......hmmm, I bet my little brothers can tell you.)

Of course I brought my camera to document this momentous 57 minutes in our family's life.

All ready to collect leaves (or flowers, if you're Mary):

And they are off.

The collecting begins.

David stops to point out an interesting tree. (I was amazed by David's powers of observation! He spotted a camouflaged toad, mushrooms, conifers, pine needles, caterpillar bites on leaves, roots, dying trees, and much more. He really is a little scientist.)

Look! Happy walkers!

David even gave me a grin for the camera.

So Mary did too.

It was a beautiful day. Hooray!

Oh, lest you think my children actually walked on their own feet for two miles, I include this picture.

Our walk began in the trees and ended on the lovely prairie.

Lovely, lovely.