Sunday, September 26, 2010

David's Primary talk presented here for my mom's benefit and enjoyment

My mom had surgery on her shoulder last week.  Ouch.  I was trying to think of something to post that would cheer her up (that didn't involve taking and uploading more picture of my kids because they are feeling uncooperative and I am feeling lazy).  A quick glance into my recent picture folder, and--ah ha!--the answer was revealed...

Last Sunday (or, as David would say, "yesterday Sunday"), David was asked to do a short presentation for the other children at church on John 14:15.  I thought I would share David's little talk here.  

Here it is, David's interpretation of "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

ME:  David, what are some of the things you do to obey Jesus Christ?

DAVID:  Pay my tithing.

DAVID:  Read the scriptures.

DAVID:  Pray.

DAVID:  Be kind.

ME:  David, how do you feel when you obey Jesus Christ?

DAVID:  Happy!

ME:  David, why do you choose to obey Jesus Christ?

DAVID:  Because I love him!

Ta-duh!  Do I have a sweet boy, or what?

Preparing for things like this isn't easy for David, but he did a super job.  He came up with the ideas (with a framework and some prompting, of course), and he even agreed to practice a few times.  David and I (and Mary) worked together on the visual aids.  Miraculously, David agreed--albeit reluctantly--to change out of his paint-stained super-dooper-fire-breathing-monster-motorcycle T-shirt, though he insisted on posing in front of his Legos pictures for the happiness shot (lest you be confused about what really makes him happy).

David was especially excited about using the microphone.  As luck would have it, the microphone was broken that day.  Bummer.  But David was a trooper, and he spoke loudly so everyone could hear him.  He did a great job.  Hooray for David!  I'm so proud of him.

I hope you enjoyed it, Mom.