Friday, December 20, 2013


David has been working really hard to earn his Wolf before Greg deploys.  And he did it!!

The December Pack Meeting was special for our family.

Greg and David were invited to perform the flag ceremony (or posting of the colors or whatever it's called, sorry).  They made a great team. It was tender to see my boys together in their uniforms.

David received his Wolf badge!  And his first arrow!  He has also earned several belt loops in the last few months (including the Computer and Video Games.)

I am very proud of him.  (And I love Cub Scouts!  Who would have guessed??  Not me.)

Then Greg proved that he has earned his PowerPoint belt loop.  (Ha ha!  That's his joke, by the way.)

He talked to the boys about citizenship--about how they can contribute positively to the different communities and groups they belong to.  He showed pictures of how he contributes to his Air Force community.  He did a great job!  (I wouldn't say that if he didn't.)

I'm very  appreciative of David's den leaders.  They have been super supportive of our efforts to help David earn his Wolf so quickly.  And I am so grateful that they made this Pack Meeting extra special for our family.  Greg won't be at another Pack Meeting in a long time.

Which leads me to this frightening thought...


But for now I'll just be proud and happy of that wolf pin.