Sunday, August 18, 2013

Three kids; three updates; no pictures

1.  David broke both bones in his wrist on Thursday.  He fell out of a tree house.  He has a full arm cast for two weeks.  Then he'll get a new, short cast for two more weeks.  Fortunately, it's his left arm that's in a cast, so my right-handed boy is ready to start school on Tuesday.

2.  Mary is starting first grade on Thursday at our local public school.  She will be young for her grade, which will have implications for years to come, I am keenly aware.  But we felt strongly that having her start first grade this year was the right thing to do.  She is excited.

3.  Sara is at, what I believe, is the peak, the absolute pinnacle, of baby cuteness, fun, and happiness:  She sits entirely unsupported and plays and plays but does not go anywhere and does not yet desire to go anywhere.  (This phase was months earlier and lasted about three seconds with David and Mary.  I'm loving it while I have it!)